The Universe Pivot
Point Theory
The proposed theory examines the necessity of existence of the Center of
Universe, and also critically questions the validity of Big Bang theory in
light of existence of the center of Universe. The theory automatically leads us
to the existence of a very dense and heavy center, which could have the same
behavior as that of Black Hole. It also gives an idea about the size of this
Center and removes the veil of mystery on the existing Black hole concept.
The biggest problem
with the Big Bang theory is that it cannot allow scientists to consider the
Centre of Universe, the non existence or omni-existence (each point) of the
centre is necessary for the survival of Big Bang Theory.
Physics and
thermodynamics fail if we do not assign the motion to any comprehensible cause.
Physics demands
explanation and the cause behind the motion of each and every subatomic
particle to the expansion of the universe. It makes no sense to believe that Galaxies
are moving here and there uncontrolled untamed at a very high speed out of some
explosion, if so we would extinct even before evolving. The probability of our
surviving in the vastness of universal chaos is hardly worth pondering over, if
the motion was uncontrolled. The Big Bang even after 14 billion years cannot
explain the large scale controlled motion of the universe. A Bang has to be a
destructive process cannot create such large scale systematic motion from micro
level to Galaxy level.
The basic subatomic
model suggests that Electrons orbiting around nucleus do not collide naturally,
their position and motion (non inertial) can be described with certain
mathematical accuracy based on uncertainty principle. The presumed and proved
centre is nucleus of atom. Moving up at a macro level from Earth-Moon system to
our solar system, planets and satellites do not collide in our solar system,
their motion and position can also be described based on the same principles of
Physics. The presumed and proved center is Sun around which the planets
(Planet+ Moons) revolve.
Move further up,
multiple solar systems (or defined systems) exist in our Galaxy (Milky Way),
there is no reason to believe that they would collide randomly or there is no
reason to believe that they do not have any center like the nucleus or Sun, and
there is no reason to believe that this motion is untamed out of some
explosion, So it is the need of physics that center of our Galaxy (any Galaxy)
must exists around which in defined manner various solar systems are moving.
This leads us to a very
simple but revolutionary conclusion that the center of universe must exist
around which all the Galaxies are moving in a defined manner. This center of
universe need not be the geometrical center, and hence it can be termed as
Pivot Point of the Universe. The Universe alone is too complex to understand,
so let us not move beyond this to extend out observation to multiverse, where
multiple universes like our universe are moving in a defined motion around
Multiverse Pivot Point.
We have to re-write the
physics, not at Micro level, there is no threat to Newton’s Law of Motion, but
to unravel the mystery of this vast universe we must abandon certain existing
hypothesis. The biggest of all the Hypotheses requiring abandonment is Big
Bang, simply because the Big Bang does not envisage the center of Universe and
it cannot create such large scale systematic motion.
Now we direct our
attention back to subatomic particles, it is no denying that there is a binding
force between electron and nucleus, described simply by coulombs’ law, now
suppose if we were not know about the details of nucleus, then how could we explain
the cause behind the motion of electron? We could not have? We could only
observe. To understand the motion of electrons we need to know about nucleus,
without that we cannot conclude anything.
The same analogy holds
good for the motion of Planets to Galaxies, we cannot understand the motion of
Galaxies without first understanding the Universal Pivot Point. We could only
observe the motion of Galaxy. It is
absurd to say that our galaxies are running away just because of some Big Bang
happened 14 billion years ago
How an electron behaves
with other electrons/protons shall depend on his own binding nucleus, we can
contemplate the existence of independent electron away from nucleus but we do
not have that liberty right now with planets, if so at a later stage we will
call them wild planets or systems causing random collisions, but the point is
that a large majority of motion of galaxy and its constituents is well defined
well tamed around the Universal Pivot Point.
it is necessary for us to understand this Universal Pivot Point to precisely
understand the behavior and motion of various galaxies in our cosmos. It is
very simple to get a basic idea about this Universal Pivot Point by referring
to Hydrogen atom and slowly moving up at macro level.
The Heisenberg
uncertainty principle and Schrodinger equation defines the orbit of electron
around Hydrogen nucleus. The point is that orbiting electron follows a
systematic defined motion, notwithstanding the uncertainty in measurement.
Mass of Electron:
9.10938291E-31 Kg
Mass of Nucleus: 1.67262178E-27
Mass Ratio: 1836
Here the mass ratio is defined as the mass of center
vs that of individual orbiting constituent.
naturally occurring stable element: Uranium - 238
Here also the motion of Electron is well defined
around the nucleus, the orbiting constituents are the electrons only.
Mass of Electron:
9.10938291E-31 Kg
Mass of Nucleaus: 238
X 1.67262178E-27 Kg. (approximate)
Mass Ratio: 1836
X 238 = 436968
So from the Hydrogen atom to Uranium the mass ratio
varies from 1836 to 436968
The motion of moon, the orbiting constituent around
the Earth is well defined.
Mass of Moon: 7.34767E+22
Mass of Earth: 5.97219E+24
Mass Ratio: 81
This is too small as compared to 1836 / 436968 suggesting
that we could artificially create a moon of Earth where in the mass ratio could
approach at least 1836.
– Moons System
Mass of Jupiter: 1.89813E+27
Mass of Leda: 6E+15
(lightest Moon)
Mass Ratio: 3.1E+11
Mass of Ganymede 1.482E+25
(Heaviest Moon)
Mass Ratio: 127
So the mass ratio is from 127 to 3.1E+11. It will be
interesting to identify or calculate the orbiting path of the moon (natural or
artificial) having mass ratio 1836.
– Planets System : Solar System
Mass of Sun: 1.989E+30
Mass of Mercury: 3.285E+23 Kg
Mass Ratio: 6.05E+6
Total Mass of Jupiter: 1.898E27
Mass ratio: 1050
Here also it will be interesting to note the orbit
details of natural or artificial planet with mass ratio 1836.
All these mass ratio calculations suggests that mass
of the center is higher than the mass of the heaviest orbiting constituent, and
there is no reason why this should be violated once we move up to bigger
systems. The mass ratio thus observed varies from a lowest of 81 to the highest
of 3.1E+11, moreover more than 98% of the mass is occupied by the center
Solar System : A need for intermediate System
The Center of our Galaxy
Mass of our Solar system(Mo): 1.98855E+30 Kg
We cannot say for sure
if we are the lightest or heaviest among all the solar systems which are
possibly revolving around a common center of mass, so the mass of the center
can be safely calculated keeping in view the mass ratio between 81 to 3.1E+11.
Mass of center of universe at lowest Mass ratio = 81Mo
Mass of center of Universe at highest Mass ratio =
Actual Estimated Mass of our Milky way Galaxy = 1.25E+12Mo
If Leda is taken to be
a freaky small moon of the Jupiter giving rise such large mass ratio, then we
can say that our solar system is part of a Super Solar System and that solar
system is actually revolving around the center of galaxy, but if the Leda is
not a freak, then the above calculations tally beautifully.
of Mass of the Universe : Or mass of The Pivot Point of the Universe
Actual Estimated Mass of our Milky way galaxy = 1.25E+12Mo
Mass of the Pivot Point of Universe at Lowest Ratio = 81 X 1.25E+12Mo
Mass of the Pivot Point of the Universe at highest Ratio = 3.1E+11X 1.25E+12Mo
Pivot Point
Above calculations
yields that the mass of the Universal Pivot Point around which our Milky Way
galaxy and other Galaxies are revolving can be anything between 1.01E+14Mo to
3.87E+23Mo, this comes to 2.01E+42 Kgs
to 7.70E+53 Kgs.
This is no coincidence
that the estimated mass of the universe is of the order of E+53 Kgs as
calculated by using various methods, this demonstrates the usefulness of
proposed theory, this also suggests that we may not be the heaviest galaxy
orbiting around this Universal Pivot Point, rather we may be one of the
lightest like Leda moon of Jupiter.
Another interesting
result of this theory which is derived from the fact that progressively from
the atom to solar system, the most of the mass is concentrated in the center
itself (Sun is 98% of our solar system mass, nucleus is 98% of the atom mass),
so it can be safely said that the Universal Pivot Point will have around 98% or
so mass of our Universe, the rest all is the observable universe.
Pivot Point (A Black hole)
When Stefan Hawkins proposed
the idea of black hole he was just short of positioning the same, if he had positioned
the Black hole at the center of the universe then possibly this universal Pivot
Point theory would have strengthened his masterpiece thought, but he was too glued
to the concept of Big Bang that he was forced not to suggest the center of
Universe which would have violated the concept of center free Big bang.
Nonetheless the black
hole as proposed by Stephan Hawkins is nothing but this Universal Pivot Point, Stephan
Hawkins almost made this Black Mythological, kind of illusory, which was useful
in randomly solving certain cosmic observations, but he could not explain
further. The Universal Pivot Point on the other hand is a dense lump of mass
(around 10^53 kgs), situated somewhere at the center of Universe, the further
research based on the observations with respect to our milky way motion will
pin point the precise dimensions of this Universal Pivot Point, this is no
longer a mysterious Black hole with singularity, but a distinct piece of mass
around which our Galaxies are revolving.
To demonstrate further a simple calculation is being
shown about the gravitational strength of this Universal Pivot Point:
Mass of the Universal Pivot Point = 7.7E+53 Kgs
(Heaviest calculations)
Gravitational Constant = 6.67E-11 Units
Mass of an Electron = 9.1E-31 Kgs
So force on an Electron due to this = 4.67E+13/
(R^2), which is big, very big.
Where R is the radius of
this dense Universal Pivot Point. Further research and mathematical analysis
will yield the value of R, then it can be safely said that even an electron
moving at the speed of light possibly cannot escape this Universal Pivot Point.
This is the darkest and most potent black matter of our Universe situated
exactly at the center of universe and responsible for the motion of our Galaxies.
Do we still need mysterious black hole?
Conclusion: The Big Bang theory needs a strong re look, while the
Black hole no longer remains an imaginary monster eating out everything
including the light and doing nothing constructive. The Universal Pivot Point
with a distinct mass and definable gravity, with no fear of singularity, is
actually our black hole which can explain not only the dark energy but all
those observations which required existence of Black hole.
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