Thursday, 3 April 2014

GOD Wants us to find him - Start of Universe

“God wants us to find Him”

Abstract: This thesis primarily deals with the very purpose of our existence, the involvement of a bigger designer and leads us to some thought provoking idea about origin of our universe and the evolution process to find the God.


What is the purpose of our life? Is it any different from that of any living organism? I am afraid no, the purpose of our life, the purpose of life of any living organism is: To find the GOD or to support in the process of finding the GOD.  But do we know it? Unfortunately we do not even realize it as we are relentlessly pursuing the artificial objectives based on our immediate material world understanding…

  1. I want to get admission in the best school.
  2. I want to become a top class engineer.
  3. I want to become a top class doctor.
  4. I want to become a top class cricketer.
  5. I want to win an Olympic Gold Medal.
  6. I want to book that order.
  7. I want a son.
  8. I want a daughter.
  9. I want a ticket from so and so political party.
  10. I want this or that.
  11. I want to become the president of United States of America.
  12. I want to get a good radio for my taxi.
  13. I want a good house in that area.
  14. I want a bull for my farming.
  15. I want a bowl full of rice.
  16. I want to sleep whole day.
  17. I want him / her.

The list is endless; the objective is either defined by us or forced on us by people who influence us. What is all this, nothing but the material objective, nothing but to give some purpose to our otherwise aimless looking wandering on earth? Never ever we thought that all these objectives are of any value as long as we are alive, they make no sense beyond that, and even otherwise why our designer be bothered what we achieve in this material world.

Treasure Hunt

In our younger days we play a game of treasure hunt, we do not know about the treasure neither we know about the location, but we search it till someone finds it out, why because it is certainty that this is a game and treasure is there for us to find.

GOD is like this hidden treasure, we do not know about GOD’s location and neither do we know what it would be like to find and meet the GOD. The matter ends here, almost every individual who can call himself non atheist would vouch for the fact that he believes in the existence of GOD, wishes to learn more about his existence, wishes to find him and seeks his divine intervention, that means treasure is there but we do not know the means to find it. We fail to find it and we continue pursuing false set of objectives as listed above.

Oh GOD, Are you there?

So the obvious question which comes to our mind is where to find the GOD? It takes us back to the process of finding the treasure in that treasure hunt game. We use some or all our senses that is eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue to find the treasure and of course we use our logical reasoning (intelligence) to make the next step in finding, and we may say that a person equipped with better intelligence may succeed first, and the game is over.

The point is: Is this intelligence which primarily works on our sensing of physical material world sufficient to find the GOD? If so then we would have found him out by now or we would succeed in finding him sooner or later by traditional methods known to us and getting smarter day by day with the advent of very high level of intelligent computers. So we can safely claim oh GOD, we are very close to finding you, based on our acquired physical and material progress. This instantly will prove the majestic superiority of science over spiritualism, philosophy and religion, who are striving at a much faster pace to find the GOD.

Hey man? I am here?

It is not that GOD is playing hide and seek with us. This is the question which is mystifying every thinker, every scientist and every person in search of purpose of life. Why we are here? Are we created by GOD? Is the universe created by GOD? How GOD looks like? What after life? Is there any rebirth?

Well think physics and we fall short of answering many questions. Physics itself fails to answer the universality of certain fundamental constants, physics itself fails to answer its existence, so expecting physics to find the GOD or find a method to find the GOD may be farfetched. Physics can find anything which can be quantifiable or observable. As soon as the observation aspect comes into picture we talk of five senses, that means anything which can be sensed (aided or unaided) through our five senses can be found out by physics. Physics is nothing but the study of matter, so for a moment if we assume that present day physics cannot find the GOD, then there can be very significant and revolutionary conclusions and these are:

  1. GOD is just the Concept used by some nerds to fool people in the name of religion.
  2. Our intelligence is evolving and one day in near future we shall be intelligent enough, our knowledge of physics will be strong enough to find the GOD, if he is present in the domain of Physics.
  3. GOD is not a matter, it is something else and it cannot be found by our five senses.

If we delve much on the first conclusion, then we are nowhere but at the start of the game treasure hunt, we made no progress, this is no conclusion because it gives us no objective to come to earth and spend our time in materialistic achievements and go away. At least today for sure, a philosopher, a thinker cannot agree to this aspect that we came here just to become so and so and just to earn so much. There has to be a bigger design, there has to be a bigger purpose for our existence, so that leads us to searching for this bigger design: GOD.

Second conclusion has a merit and today even after so much advancement in physics; the scientists cannot claim that we have known all. This is also true that not much of our mind-brain is used as far as present level of understanding of matter is concerned. This is quite likely that our intelligence is evolving or at least our understanding of the universe is improving and hence if the GOD is there anywhere in physical material form then we will certainly find him, it is just the matter of time.

But then what is time? Who created the time? If the Physics is created by the GOD, then the time is also created by him only, and thus he cannot be confined within something which he created, because he was in existence prior to that. So we have to look for GOD beyond physics, beyond time, beyond material and possibly beyond our physical universe which is governed by physics at least after it was born.

So this leads us to our third conclusion, that GOD is a reality which cannot be sensed with our five senses, at least as on date, it is all powerful but it is not in material form but it has the power to come to form or create any form which will then follow physics.

Why GOD would do so?

This is the interesting question, GOD has a different universe of his own, shape and size and aspects of his universe is not known to us, because we cannot comprehend anything beyond physics. So one fine day in his time frame GOD (or GODs) said lets play the game of Treasure Hunt, but then GOD made the rules, he created the universe, and he became the treasure. Now it is up to the participants of the universe to find him, because GOD wants us to find him.

It is not difficult to conceive with this hypothesis that GOD did not create us (living organisms) directly, he just created the universe and physics and in the process of this game we evolved and still evolving.

It is also not difficult to conceive with this hypothesis that GOD created us directly, after creating the universe he realized that things are moving very slow in the new universe, and new players with different attributes need to be pumped in, so he created the living organisms.

It is also not difficult to conceive with this hypothesis that after creating the primitive living organisms, the GOD hastened the game and created intelligent creatures directly.

What next?  is GOD happy or satisfied that wow now something is created by me which has evolved into a superior intelligence and capable of finding me or may be if we continue to pursue our earthly objectives and completely forget the main objective of finding the GOD, then who knows GOD may do something either to enhance our level of intelligence (or whatever attribute required to find him) or create a different species altogether or may be it is already there whose assistance we must take to find the GOD.

The irrefutable argument is that there is a GOD, may be in some different universe or around us, beyond physics or may be beyond present day physics, and we are all created just to find him, because he wants us to find him, that’s the game.

The beginning of game

Way back around 14 billion years ago, there was a big bang and our universe got created, well that’s the most acceptable theory as on date, but physicists are puzzled, not about the time t=0 (big bang) and afterwards, they are puzzled about t<0 (time before big bang) because Physics fails very soon if we start applying our mind to t<0.

But then there is no reason for us to believe that physics was existing before t=0, this instantly solves the predicament of the physicists. It is not that in the past thinkers have not proposed the idea of no time or no physics before the beginning of our universe, but scientists are so glued to the physics, so glued to the material reality that they are not able to conceive and work in the area of non material realism. This again brings the scientists back to the Treasure Hunt game that is of achieving the physical sub objective, the treasure (GOD) is not found out and hence the show must go on.

Now for a moment we put on paper a clear hypothesis in agreement with Big Bang which were to start our game of treasure hunt then it will be easier to say that just before Big Bang (t=0), it was a world without material reality, without physics and without the present day concept of time, then we are not bothered about physical singularity as calculated by Physics before t=0. We instantly associate our hypothesis with the designer who existed before Physics came into picture, and hence before the material came into picture, so if at all there is any beginning then it must be from a non material universe or at the best a different universe with different time frame and aspects, a place of GOD.

What Science Says

There has been tremendous progress in the area of science in last couple of centuries, prior to that it was the thinkers and philosophers who dominated the search for that elusive all powerful GOD. These thinkers came up with varied explanations and most acceptable and incorrect of all was that the Earth is the static centre of universe and all celestial bodies move with respect to Earth.

Not very long ago, it was proved by Physicists that lo behold Earth is not the static centre of Universe and is not only rotating around the Sun but it is also revolving on its own axis and practically everything in the universe is moving away….the Universe is expanding.

But the entire advancement of Physics was dominated by the so called Newtonian concept of particle; this led to the advancement in material physics or so called particle physics. But Physicists were restless, the game of finding the GOD (or should we say GOD Particle) was continuing possibly sub consciously with a different objective. They started breaking the mountain, in the hope to find the smallest possible particle, but Oh My GOD they were shocked, rather they were forced to conclude that there is no smallest particle, actually it was nothing at all, no material at all, it was just the wave, and Newtonian Particle Physics failed to explain this, so came the Quantum Mechanics and today Physicists agree that what we see as the lump of mass is actually created from nothingness, it is created from wave or so called wave energy. Physicists, as they are required to reconcile with observation and data, came with one of the grandiose theory of uncertainty and duality, nonetheless it brought us closer to our original hypothesis that the GOD created us from nothingness, from some thing immaterial, from something which has no form, but which can take form.

So science is with us, but the only problem which remains with the science is absolute failure of physics if we go back prior to t = 0 (Big Bang). Science is conceding albeit without relationship with origin, that we are all created from non material reality, we are all created from wave, wave energy, which has no certain space, no certain form, but what prior to t = 0 is the problem.

Science works on a great methodology, it never works on anything unsubstantiated, it is not new to scientists that they have never encountered dead ends, but then there is a distinct method to resolve the issue with dead ends, and some dead ends are so difficult to abandon that they lead to new hypothesis, but unfortunately that new hypothesis must also pass the rigorous scrutiny of science. So the hypothesis that there was no time or no physics prior to t = 0 will not please scientists, even though it will save the Big Bang and remove the dead end.

On the contrary even though science has reached to a dead end with Big Bang theory (t<0), but they are finding it difficult to abandon, so either they must accept that there was no physics prior to t = 0 or they must abandon Big Bang.   

First Step

The quantum Mechanics states that at the bottom of lump, there lies a wave, a wave Energy. This Energy does not have any form. So, what it says is very simple to understand, start breaking the largest observable galaxy, and when the demolition is fully completed, take the new galaxy in your grinder and repeat the breaking exercise with all the material present, then at the end  what we have is no form, no shape but ever expanding wave Energy.

So the beginning of the game of Treasure Hunt is not with a Bang, but with a First Step, a process to assimilate, it was not destructive it was constructive. The entire space was full of ever expanding Energy field, no form, no shape, no material, and then it all started, the process of construction, the process of assimilation, the process of building blocks, the process of conversion of Energy into Mass. GOD would not have liked the idea of a Bang, it would have started with a more sensible process of construction, because he wanted to create something, not to break something into colossal pieces. Every theory of present day physics can be explained with this hypothesis, every theory of spiritual Guru’s can be explained with this hypothesis. There is no singularity before t < 0 for the simple reason that there is no t < 0 for the Energy or for the Quantum Mechanics coupled with this hypothesis. This hypothesis can answer the observable presence of hidden or Dark Energy; this hypothesis can answer the Gravity. And if I may say there are evidences to support the conversion of Energy into mass. And most importantly it can bring us closer to our treasure: The Ever elusive Most Powerful GOD. Whichever way we take that is Big Bang or First Step, the irrefutable conclusion comes that we are created from no material, no form. Big Bang fails physics with t<0 but First Step passes the rigor of physics at every stage till today.

So the game began with a formless Energy started converting into form (material), that is immaterial reality to material reality, that is m = E/C^2 not E = mc^2. The sub objective of this paper is not to write much about this new theory of beginning of universe (First Step) but to concentrate on the main objective of finding the GOD and hence we cross over to cover the remaining link beyond science.

What Philosopher Says

So what if the most widely accepted theory of Earth Being the static centre of Universe went wrong. It in no ways undermines the thinking ability of our philosophers, there are so many astounding observations, predictions and treatise that even today’s scientists equipped with latest state of art computers find it so difficult to comprehend that how it was done or thought of centuries ago.

Yada yada hi dharmasya    glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya  tadatmanam srjamy aham 

Whenever and wherever there is decline of dharma (righteousness) and ascendance of adharma (unrighteousness), at that time I come in visible form.

Paritranaya sadhunam   vinashaya cha dushkritam.
Dharma sansthapanarthaya  sambhavami yuge yuge.

For the up-liftment of the righteous people, For the destruction of evil,
For the re-establishment of the Dahrma, I  come eon after eon.

These two shloka’s taken from Gita, clearly proves GOD’s intention,  that the entire universe is present just to find him as he is the treasure of the game called treasure hunt, whenever there is a distinct deviation from the path of finding him, he takes the form and guides the participants back to the game.

Bîjam mâm sarva-bhûtânâm viddhi pârtha sanâtanam
Buddhir buddhimatâm asmi tejas tejasvinâm aham

I am present as the seed in all the living beings….

That’s the energy, the seed, the soul of everything, everthing is made up of nothing but that wave energy and who knows that’s the GOD’s seed in us.

Janma karma ka me divyam  evam yo vetti tattvatah 
Tyaktva deham punarjanma  naiti mam etis Arjuna 

One who truly understands My transcendental appearance and activities (of creation, maintenance, and dissolution), attains My supreme abode and is not born again after 
leaving this body.

This is quite interesting, what is the reward for the one who finds the GOD, he is the winner, he is not required to come back to this game and play it again. GOD is always there as a treasure, those who find him, they are the winners and they are not required to come back and play.

The essence of all these shloka’s from Gita says that : GOD is omnipresent, supreme creator, all powerful, transcendental (independent and away from material universe) but involves himself in the act of universe and takes form  as and when required. Not only this, Lord Krishna grants a special divine senses to warrior prince Arjun, to see the majesty of GOD that is Krishna himself, thus clearly indicating the need for some other sense (beyond the present five with which we are presently endowed) to see or feel the GOD.

The Christian philosophy is also the same, in Christianity God is the eternal being who created and preserves the universe, he is transcendent but immanent (involves in the universe) and takes the form as and when he incarnates as man.

The Islamic philosophy is no different, he is the creator, he exists without place (transcendental), we cannot see him but he can see all, the GOD guides humanity to the right way.

In Judaism GOD is considered to be the ultimate cause of every existence (supreme creator and destroyer), GOD brought the universe into existence and interacts with man kind.

From Greeks to present day philosophers there has never been any dispute to the fact that the GOD was all powerful and creator of this universe, but beyond this universe, many of the philosophers have admitted the fact that there is some supreme power but we cannot find him. Plato  proposed the theory of transcendental nature of GOD, Aristotle brought the concept of GOD being the immaterial (beyond the material physics), Augstine regarded the GOD as creator of universe, the origin point of time and space, John Scotus Erigena came up with the concept of immortality, quite similar to that of winning the game of treasure hunt, finding the treasure GOD and not coming back to play the game,  Maimonides considered God’s existence provable, John Calvin proposed the idea of GOD staying away after creation and gave full freedom to human beings, Descartes brought the fantastic proposition of GOD being the cause for himself, Aquinas proposed that since universe needs something outside of it to be the cause of it and hence the GOD, and  Emanual Kant the youngest of all says that GOD cannot be ignored but he cannot be proved also. 

So from Greeks to present day philosopher’s following can be concluded,

1. GOD is immaterial and beyond Physics
2. GOD created the universe.                                       
3. GOD believes in the sovereignity of human beings.
4. The Space and time started with GOD.
5. GOD can take any form.
6. Once we find him the reward is immortality.

Certainly GOD is there and he wants us to find him, if we fail then he would create some additional power in us sooner or later and who knows the way to him is already there and few have already succeeded and got the reward of not coming back to this universe.

There is absolutely no conflict as far as presence and existence of GOD is concerned, whether it is science or philosophy, both scientists and philosophers concede that there has to be something all powerful to create this and that’s GOD, so let us find him. Lets keep playing the game of Treasure Hunt, everyday, every moment.

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