Wednesday, 30 April 2014

The Framing of Law : Is there any effective Procedure Behind.

The framing of Law: Is there any effective procedure behind?


Why the law makers are stumbling…..…….(Can we forget the humiliation faced by our prime minister or can we forget the complete insult of our union cabinet, when one gentleman tore apart the ordinance proposed)………………may be due to no procedure to frame the law in place.

Nirbhaya Law

Nirbhaya case shook the collective conscience of the entire nation, politicians woke up, citizens voiced their anger, home minister of the country on whose competent shoulders the burden of safety of woman lie, was also forced to wake up after making a very distasteful remark initially.

In the aftermath of Nirbhaya, as the media made out, the Late Justice J S Verma (Retired SC Judge), received a call from the UPA Chairperson Mrs Sonia Gandhi in the middle of a night, requesting him to wake up and make a law, a stricter law on rape and sexual harassment. It is further made out by the media news that he felt honored that the UPA chairperson personally called him up and entrusted this responsibility on him, but he was not so praising about the role of Home Ministry in this matter.

Justice Verma, an octogenarian, worked hard with exemplary energy true to his reputation, and came up with certain amendments in the law and our parliament did not waste much energy on the same, and passed the new law showing exemplary urgency with minor tweaking here and there. It is apparent that there was some political exigencies in passing the new law. The public furor created by brutal rape and murder of Nirbhaya, deserved a lot better and visionary change for betterment of future rather than a hurried change in the law.

It is not surprising that immediately after the law was passed, certain members of the ruling dispensation including a cabinet minister, went on record stating that this law has the potential to create problems for women in finding the employment, recently a session Judge of Delhi district court expressed her views that law apparently seems to be not well thought of, a finer reading of the law, especially S.354, will make it clear to a prudent man, that with the present transition state of the society, the possibility of misuse of this section is so high, that we may end up with millions of accused under S.354 IPC in less than a decade. Can a country afford to have millions of accused under S.354? It is not some unfounded fear, it is going to happen.

It is safe to say that law in India is framed or made or amended to certain extent, which can at the best be termed as probing way of making the law, that is make the law as per the drafting by an individual or a group or even based on certain feedback, enact it and wait for the result to come. If the result is outrageous, wait further and if it becomes uncontrollable, then consider changing it. Meanwhile the enormous amount of damage is done to the country along with the irreparable damage to the concerned victims of the law.

S.354 or rape law, is showing a clear example of one such hurried law, with a potential to boomerang in the near future, there are many more and few of them are listed below, it is pertinent to mention that the need to frame a law was most noble in Nirbhaya case as well as majority of the laws as listed below, it was the process of framing which is being highlighted.

S.498A or DV Act or Dowry Act Or Daughter In Law Act

There was a need to frame a law to curb the dowry related harassment of daughter in laws, it was so wide spread in both rural and urban areas, and it had become absolutely unacceptable, so there was a need to frame the law to curb this menace.

Law was framed, and today to save a single woman of a family, all other males, females and children are being compromised, harassed. It is not unheard of that police had rounded up the children relatives of husband, the far fetched relatives of husband, the old and bed ridden parents or relatives of husband; a complaint by the daughter in law and the life of many people named is thrown out of gear. The situation has come to such a miserable state that Hon Supreme Court issued certain guidelines to the state police forces to follow before arresting the relatives of husband. There are groups of harassed husbands in almost every major city of the country. What went wrong? The Cause was noble.

S.138 of Negotianle Instrument Act or Cheque Bounce Law

This one law alone has created more than 40 Lacs accused suffering the ignominy of criminal case against them and potential threat of imprisonment up to two years, moreover criminal courts are badly clogged with cases under this act. There was a need to increase the acceptability of cheque, but is it wise to increase the acceptability of cheque by making 40 Lacs accused? Can this country afford to have so many accused in regulatory offenses? Something wrong somewhere? And one more disturbing aspect is associated with this law, initially the imprisonment term was only one year and the cases were piling on, so the law makers thought if we increase the imprisonment term to two years, then may be it will act as deterrent, but after years of this myopic amendment it was found out that even this was of no use. So what went wrong here? The cause was again noble.


Memories of this act are still vivid in the eyes and hearts of those innocent people and families suffered due to this draconian law. Again the cause was very noble.

Playing with Reservation in Employment and Education

Despite the Hon Apex Court coming very heavily on this issue time and again, politicians do not mend their ways for some electoral gains. The kind of social unrest, inequality and dissatisfaction it has created among the youth is unfathomable. Unfortunately it cannot be stated now that the tweaking of reservation by current bunch of politicians is for some noble cause; yes it was noble when thought of in early days by founding fathers of our constitution.

Haryana State Excise & Taxation Department R2 form

This is included to highlight the fact that at the states level, there are many hidden gems to promote the interest of various groups. In the state of Haryana there is a rule that every business trader registered with the Excise & Taxation department (Sales Tax department), has to furnish the R2 form giving summary details of previous financing year by 31st Oct of the current year. If not done then there is a penalty of around Rs. 200 per day!!

Small traders who rely on part time accountants do not have means and knowledge of understanding this rule, so they miss it and get a notice or telephone call from some official of the sales tax department after may be a year or two, that he has not complied with R2 formality and the penalty will be slapped on to him which is around 365 X 200 (only after one year) Rs. 73000=00. The ignorant trader gets the shock of his life, rushes to the department and………something is done. Let the commissioner of Haryana Excise and Taxation Department come forward and claim that he is not aware about this “Something is done” aspect.

Delhi State Trade & Taxation Department T2 Form

The law is very simple, every trader who is expecting any material from out of Delhi (interstate), must inform the trade and taxation department, before the material reaches inside the borders  of Delhi. Otherwise either the material shall be confiscated or no C Form shall be issued for such transactions. The department has gone on record stating that they are upgrading the infrastructure to give SMS facility to traders to punch in the details and send SMS to the department. This very department has not been able to do away with the hard copy of sales tax returns, despite the fact that every trader has to mandatorily file the same online. Purpose behind this law is not known to affected group that is traders. You do business or keep sending SMSes to departments? The entire C Form concept itself is full of illegality, can the finance minister of this country pin point the fault of selling trader if the purchasing trader does not issue the C Form? The Indian Business community is full of weak people, because they are afraid of enormous numbers of laws under which they can be trapped, they never raise their voices.

Income Tax laws, Revenue Laws

A complete treatise can be written on this subject involving adverse impact on a simple farmer to international financial institutions. But what is bothering is the present day media advertisements. These advertisements are so much in poor taste, and very clearly reflects the dishonest mentality of the person who has visualized or instructed the same. The message is very clear, Not so Dear Dishonest Citizens of this country, rush to the IT ward and give proper declaration of your earnings, because we know about all your shaddy transactions.

Ordinance to save few corrupt Politicians

It almost made it as law, in total defiance to Hon Apex Court. The humiliation faced by the prime minister and the whole cabinet, when one gentleman with no locus standi in the government tore apart this ordinance, could have been avoided if there had been any well thought out procedure to frame laws was in place and followed.

So the question in front of this largest and most vibrant democracy in the world is: What should be an all inclusive procedure to frame the law? So that neither the affected groups suffer, nor it benefits corrupt officials or few people nor it reflects the high handedness of government agencies nor the people at the constitutional posts (or our institutions) get humiliated by some individual however high or mighty.

This should not be acceptable to the citizen of this country, that so and so chairperson of a political outfit, called up some retired judge, and requested him to frame a law.

The author wishes to put forward his views for the same and expects the like minded people to come forward and vouch that nothing in this country henceforth shall be done on adhoc basis, every action of the policymakers, must demonstrate the thoughtfulness and thoroughness and should not be guided by political exigencies, but should be guided by the welfare of the public or in the interest of the national growth.

It is not the argument of the author that there is no such procedure in place, it must be, but is it being followed as religiously as CrPC or CPC? Any procedure which is breached is as good as no procedure.

Moreover in present multi- party coalition democratic era, it cannot be said that the collective wisdom of the parliament is at work, it is totally fragmented, and coupled with the fact that a very high number of elected representatives are either illiterate (Not even Graduates) or people charged with serious criminal offenses; under such circumstances, the majestic supremacy of the parliament to write or rewrite the law must be understood as the final authorization only, the exercise of bringing the law to acceptable level must be done under a strictly non breakable procedure by involving professionals, experts etc.

The Procedure (The Basic Frame Work)

  1. The Identification of the need for writing a new law or re writing an existing law, the nodal agency for the same shall be law commission of India at the central level and any counterpart at the state level, this agency can take request from any citizen or group of this country. Even proposals from the MPs or MLAs must come through this nodal agency.

  1. The law commission forwards the need with its own inputs for the consent by the Lok Sabha at the central level or Lower House at the state level for such need. A committee can be put up in place by the speaker, the committee shall be competent enough to grant the consent to this need or speaker can forward the proposal of law commission to the entire assembly for consent.

  1. Once the consent is given and communicated, the law commission shall start the procedure of writing or re writing the law.

  1. The process of framing the law must include experts, for example if it is on rape, then sexologists, psychiatrists, and sociologists inputs must be mandatorily taken, if the law is on financial matters then non governmental financial experts like professors of economics, or distinguished people in the field of finances must be consulted.

  1. The process of framing the law must include taking feedback from the concerned affected groups, like if it is with respect to certain taxation, then Industry groups and associations must be consulted.

  1. The impact of the law on various fronts must be ascertained or visualized before the law is implemented. For example

-          Social Impact

Reservation related laws would require the detailed study or impact on various affected groups of the society. The rape law also must assess the impact on society per say.

-          Economic Impact

The burden on the exchequer, or impact on national economy, or impact on certain Industry group must be assessed and quantified. For example before coming up with banning of mines, the pros and cons of Environmental benefit with respect to loss of Industrialization must be studied.

-          Legal Impact

The conflict with existing laws or with fundamental rights of citizens must be explored in advance; the possibility of any huge additional burden on judicial infrastructure must also be assessed. For example after cheque bounce case, there are dedicated courts in each district court for handling the deluge of such cases. This kind of burden must be assessed in advance, and steps taken accordingly.

  1. If the impact stated to be adverse, then all the key people in law framing must be apprised of this, and the draft must be changed to amend the same in order to mitigate the adverse effects.

Now if the above procedure which can be further elaborated and discussed, gets implemented than there shall be one small problem, that is making of certain ordinances which may be felt necessary by the Government of India under Emergency or Urgent situations. The ordinance of any nature as per Hon SC rulings can be passed by the government (or parliament) subject to the fact that the law commission (Nodal Agency) must take effective steps that within six months of the passing of the ordinance the above procedure is carried out and law is framed accordingly.

The author can be contacted at:

Friday, 4 April 2014

Judicial Power Without Accountability

Judicial Power without accountability

Magistrates have tremendous power without concurrent supervision and without visible accountability. There is an uncanny similarity in the work of an airlines pilot, a doctor and a magistrate, but the similarity limits to professional nature of the work concerned, that is, their action if done negligently can play havoc with the lives of people, but it is vastly different as far as accountability is concerned.

All the three if act negligently or without application of mind or without due care, then the lives of people get affected, if a doctor makes mistake in the diagnosis, he can create the havoc, psychological havoc with his patient, if the airline pilot makes a mistake, then he puts the life of all the passenger in danger and if the magistrate makes the mistake in the trial (cognizance = Diagnosis, trial = treatment) then the entire life of such person is compromised in every way psychologically, physically, mentally, financially, socially…

So the responsibility on the magistrate is much higher than that on an airline pilot or on a doctor. If the doctor makes a mistake, he can be produced in front of the magistrate to answer for his accountability, if the pilot makes a mistake, his name can be sullied even after his death in the accident. What if the magistrate makes the mistake? Have you ever heard of any accountability? Have you ever heard that a magistrate was facing the trial for incorrect or negligent cognizance of offense? Even though there are numerous orders of Hon Higher courts setting aside the trial after years of prolonged litigation…that so and so Ld magistrate did not apply his mind and hence..Why this special treatment to magistrates after all everyone is expected to do their duty with utmost care, honesty, fearlessness, if others can be held responsible for their omissions then why not magistrates?

So at present practically a magistrate acts without any visible accountability and can put the life of any person produced in front him in grave instability on all conceivable fronts. And shockingly the possibility of mistakes by a magistrate is much higher than that of mistake by a doctor or by an airline pilot or even by an engineer.  The reason is not far to seek, a doctor when carrying out any critical procedure, has a team to support concurrently, it is kind of a parallel processing with multiple experienced and new trainee doctors (less experienced) working on a patient, a less experienced pilot (trainee or first officer) is ably supported by a commander (and even sometimes by a highly experienced trainer pilot), so this is also a concurrent supervision and close monitoring of acts of young recruits leaving lesser possibility of error. Similarly for almost all the professions, where seniors guide the young people or trainee people in process. The judiciary is the only profession where the young or not so experienced are given absolute freedom to act as per their knowledge or lack of knowledge, there is supervision but there is no visible concurrent supervision at the ground level, one can approach the higher experienced courts only after his fate is decided by young trial court magistrate, by that time litigant is fully drained.

Despite this the Hon law commission or the Hon Supreme Court never thought of strengthening this or at least there are no visible sign of any attempt to strengthen the lower judiciary. It cannot be stated that those young magistrates are omniscient; in fact the traces can be found out in abundance that many of these young magistrates are arrogantly pretentious of being omniscient, which is extremely dangerous.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

GOD Wants us to find him - Start of Universe

“God wants us to find Him”

Abstract: This thesis primarily deals with the very purpose of our existence, the involvement of a bigger designer and leads us to some thought provoking idea about origin of our universe and the evolution process to find the God.


What is the purpose of our life? Is it any different from that of any living organism? I am afraid no, the purpose of our life, the purpose of life of any living organism is: To find the GOD or to support in the process of finding the GOD.  But do we know it? Unfortunately we do not even realize it as we are relentlessly pursuing the artificial objectives based on our immediate material world understanding…

  1. I want to get admission in the best school.
  2. I want to become a top class engineer.
  3. I want to become a top class doctor.
  4. I want to become a top class cricketer.
  5. I want to win an Olympic Gold Medal.
  6. I want to book that order.
  7. I want a son.
  8. I want a daughter.
  9. I want a ticket from so and so political party.
  10. I want this or that.
  11. I want to become the president of United States of America.
  12. I want to get a good radio for my taxi.
  13. I want a good house in that area.
  14. I want a bull for my farming.
  15. I want a bowl full of rice.
  16. I want to sleep whole day.
  17. I want him / her.

The list is endless; the objective is either defined by us or forced on us by people who influence us. What is all this, nothing but the material objective, nothing but to give some purpose to our otherwise aimless looking wandering on earth? Never ever we thought that all these objectives are of any value as long as we are alive, they make no sense beyond that, and even otherwise why our designer be bothered what we achieve in this material world.

Treasure Hunt

In our younger days we play a game of treasure hunt, we do not know about the treasure neither we know about the location, but we search it till someone finds it out, why because it is certainty that this is a game and treasure is there for us to find.

GOD is like this hidden treasure, we do not know about GOD’s location and neither do we know what it would be like to find and meet the GOD. The matter ends here, almost every individual who can call himself non atheist would vouch for the fact that he believes in the existence of GOD, wishes to learn more about his existence, wishes to find him and seeks his divine intervention, that means treasure is there but we do not know the means to find it. We fail to find it and we continue pursuing false set of objectives as listed above.

Oh GOD, Are you there?

So the obvious question which comes to our mind is where to find the GOD? It takes us back to the process of finding the treasure in that treasure hunt game. We use some or all our senses that is eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue to find the treasure and of course we use our logical reasoning (intelligence) to make the next step in finding, and we may say that a person equipped with better intelligence may succeed first, and the game is over.

The point is: Is this intelligence which primarily works on our sensing of physical material world sufficient to find the GOD? If so then we would have found him out by now or we would succeed in finding him sooner or later by traditional methods known to us and getting smarter day by day with the advent of very high level of intelligent computers. So we can safely claim oh GOD, we are very close to finding you, based on our acquired physical and material progress. This instantly will prove the majestic superiority of science over spiritualism, philosophy and religion, who are striving at a much faster pace to find the GOD.

Hey man? I am here?

It is not that GOD is playing hide and seek with us. This is the question which is mystifying every thinker, every scientist and every person in search of purpose of life. Why we are here? Are we created by GOD? Is the universe created by GOD? How GOD looks like? What after life? Is there any rebirth?

Well think physics and we fall short of answering many questions. Physics itself fails to answer the universality of certain fundamental constants, physics itself fails to answer its existence, so expecting physics to find the GOD or find a method to find the GOD may be farfetched. Physics can find anything which can be quantifiable or observable. As soon as the observation aspect comes into picture we talk of five senses, that means anything which can be sensed (aided or unaided) through our five senses can be found out by physics. Physics is nothing but the study of matter, so for a moment if we assume that present day physics cannot find the GOD, then there can be very significant and revolutionary conclusions and these are:

  1. GOD is just the Concept used by some nerds to fool people in the name of religion.
  2. Our intelligence is evolving and one day in near future we shall be intelligent enough, our knowledge of physics will be strong enough to find the GOD, if he is present in the domain of Physics.
  3. GOD is not a matter, it is something else and it cannot be found by our five senses.

If we delve much on the first conclusion, then we are nowhere but at the start of the game treasure hunt, we made no progress, this is no conclusion because it gives us no objective to come to earth and spend our time in materialistic achievements and go away. At least today for sure, a philosopher, a thinker cannot agree to this aspect that we came here just to become so and so and just to earn so much. There has to be a bigger design, there has to be a bigger purpose for our existence, so that leads us to searching for this bigger design: GOD.

Second conclusion has a merit and today even after so much advancement in physics; the scientists cannot claim that we have known all. This is also true that not much of our mind-brain is used as far as present level of understanding of matter is concerned. This is quite likely that our intelligence is evolving or at least our understanding of the universe is improving and hence if the GOD is there anywhere in physical material form then we will certainly find him, it is just the matter of time.

But then what is time? Who created the time? If the Physics is created by the GOD, then the time is also created by him only, and thus he cannot be confined within something which he created, because he was in existence prior to that. So we have to look for GOD beyond physics, beyond time, beyond material and possibly beyond our physical universe which is governed by physics at least after it was born.

So this leads us to our third conclusion, that GOD is a reality which cannot be sensed with our five senses, at least as on date, it is all powerful but it is not in material form but it has the power to come to form or create any form which will then follow physics.

Why GOD would do so?

This is the interesting question, GOD has a different universe of his own, shape and size and aspects of his universe is not known to us, because we cannot comprehend anything beyond physics. So one fine day in his time frame GOD (or GODs) said lets play the game of Treasure Hunt, but then GOD made the rules, he created the universe, and he became the treasure. Now it is up to the participants of the universe to find him, because GOD wants us to find him.

It is not difficult to conceive with this hypothesis that GOD did not create us (living organisms) directly, he just created the universe and physics and in the process of this game we evolved and still evolving.

It is also not difficult to conceive with this hypothesis that GOD created us directly, after creating the universe he realized that things are moving very slow in the new universe, and new players with different attributes need to be pumped in, so he created the living organisms.

It is also not difficult to conceive with this hypothesis that after creating the primitive living organisms, the GOD hastened the game and created intelligent creatures directly.

What next?  is GOD happy or satisfied that wow now something is created by me which has evolved into a superior intelligence and capable of finding me or may be if we continue to pursue our earthly objectives and completely forget the main objective of finding the GOD, then who knows GOD may do something either to enhance our level of intelligence (or whatever attribute required to find him) or create a different species altogether or may be it is already there whose assistance we must take to find the GOD.

The irrefutable argument is that there is a GOD, may be in some different universe or around us, beyond physics or may be beyond present day physics, and we are all created just to find him, because he wants us to find him, that’s the game.

The beginning of game

Way back around 14 billion years ago, there was a big bang and our universe got created, well that’s the most acceptable theory as on date, but physicists are puzzled, not about the time t=0 (big bang) and afterwards, they are puzzled about t<0 (time before big bang) because Physics fails very soon if we start applying our mind to t<0.

But then there is no reason for us to believe that physics was existing before t=0, this instantly solves the predicament of the physicists. It is not that in the past thinkers have not proposed the idea of no time or no physics before the beginning of our universe, but scientists are so glued to the physics, so glued to the material reality that they are not able to conceive and work in the area of non material realism. This again brings the scientists back to the Treasure Hunt game that is of achieving the physical sub objective, the treasure (GOD) is not found out and hence the show must go on.

Now for a moment we put on paper a clear hypothesis in agreement with Big Bang which were to start our game of treasure hunt then it will be easier to say that just before Big Bang (t=0), it was a world without material reality, without physics and without the present day concept of time, then we are not bothered about physical singularity as calculated by Physics before t=0. We instantly associate our hypothesis with the designer who existed before Physics came into picture, and hence before the material came into picture, so if at all there is any beginning then it must be from a non material universe or at the best a different universe with different time frame and aspects, a place of GOD.

What Science Says

There has been tremendous progress in the area of science in last couple of centuries, prior to that it was the thinkers and philosophers who dominated the search for that elusive all powerful GOD. These thinkers came up with varied explanations and most acceptable and incorrect of all was that the Earth is the static centre of universe and all celestial bodies move with respect to Earth.

Not very long ago, it was proved by Physicists that lo behold Earth is not the static centre of Universe and is not only rotating around the Sun but it is also revolving on its own axis and practically everything in the universe is moving away….the Universe is expanding.

But the entire advancement of Physics was dominated by the so called Newtonian concept of particle; this led to the advancement in material physics or so called particle physics. But Physicists were restless, the game of finding the GOD (or should we say GOD Particle) was continuing possibly sub consciously with a different objective. They started breaking the mountain, in the hope to find the smallest possible particle, but Oh My GOD they were shocked, rather they were forced to conclude that there is no smallest particle, actually it was nothing at all, no material at all, it was just the wave, and Newtonian Particle Physics failed to explain this, so came the Quantum Mechanics and today Physicists agree that what we see as the lump of mass is actually created from nothingness, it is created from wave or so called wave energy. Physicists, as they are required to reconcile with observation and data, came with one of the grandiose theory of uncertainty and duality, nonetheless it brought us closer to our original hypothesis that the GOD created us from nothingness, from some thing immaterial, from something which has no form, but which can take form.

So science is with us, but the only problem which remains with the science is absolute failure of physics if we go back prior to t = 0 (Big Bang). Science is conceding albeit without relationship with origin, that we are all created from non material reality, we are all created from wave, wave energy, which has no certain space, no certain form, but what prior to t = 0 is the problem.

Science works on a great methodology, it never works on anything unsubstantiated, it is not new to scientists that they have never encountered dead ends, but then there is a distinct method to resolve the issue with dead ends, and some dead ends are so difficult to abandon that they lead to new hypothesis, but unfortunately that new hypothesis must also pass the rigorous scrutiny of science. So the hypothesis that there was no time or no physics prior to t = 0 will not please scientists, even though it will save the Big Bang and remove the dead end.

On the contrary even though science has reached to a dead end with Big Bang theory (t<0), but they are finding it difficult to abandon, so either they must accept that there was no physics prior to t = 0 or they must abandon Big Bang.   

First Step

The quantum Mechanics states that at the bottom of lump, there lies a wave, a wave Energy. This Energy does not have any form. So, what it says is very simple to understand, start breaking the largest observable galaxy, and when the demolition is fully completed, take the new galaxy in your grinder and repeat the breaking exercise with all the material present, then at the end  what we have is no form, no shape but ever expanding wave Energy.

So the beginning of the game of Treasure Hunt is not with a Bang, but with a First Step, a process to assimilate, it was not destructive it was constructive. The entire space was full of ever expanding Energy field, no form, no shape, no material, and then it all started, the process of construction, the process of assimilation, the process of building blocks, the process of conversion of Energy into Mass. GOD would not have liked the idea of a Bang, it would have started with a more sensible process of construction, because he wanted to create something, not to break something into colossal pieces. Every theory of present day physics can be explained with this hypothesis, every theory of spiritual Guru’s can be explained with this hypothesis. There is no singularity before t < 0 for the simple reason that there is no t < 0 for the Energy or for the Quantum Mechanics coupled with this hypothesis. This hypothesis can answer the observable presence of hidden or Dark Energy; this hypothesis can answer the Gravity. And if I may say there are evidences to support the conversion of Energy into mass. And most importantly it can bring us closer to our treasure: The Ever elusive Most Powerful GOD. Whichever way we take that is Big Bang or First Step, the irrefutable conclusion comes that we are created from no material, no form. Big Bang fails physics with t<0 but First Step passes the rigor of physics at every stage till today.

So the game began with a formless Energy started converting into form (material), that is immaterial reality to material reality, that is m = E/C^2 not E = mc^2. The sub objective of this paper is not to write much about this new theory of beginning of universe (First Step) but to concentrate on the main objective of finding the GOD and hence we cross over to cover the remaining link beyond science.

What Philosopher Says

So what if the most widely accepted theory of Earth Being the static centre of Universe went wrong. It in no ways undermines the thinking ability of our philosophers, there are so many astounding observations, predictions and treatise that even today’s scientists equipped with latest state of art computers find it so difficult to comprehend that how it was done or thought of centuries ago.

Yada yada hi dharmasya    glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya  tadatmanam srjamy aham 

Whenever and wherever there is decline of dharma (righteousness) and ascendance of adharma (unrighteousness), at that time I come in visible form.

Paritranaya sadhunam   vinashaya cha dushkritam.
Dharma sansthapanarthaya  sambhavami yuge yuge.

For the up-liftment of the righteous people, For the destruction of evil,
For the re-establishment of the Dahrma, I  come eon after eon.

These two shloka’s taken from Gita, clearly proves GOD’s intention,  that the entire universe is present just to find him as he is the treasure of the game called treasure hunt, whenever there is a distinct deviation from the path of finding him, he takes the form and guides the participants back to the game.

Bîjam mâm sarva-bhûtânâm viddhi pârtha sanâtanam
Buddhir buddhimatâm asmi tejas tejasvinâm aham

I am present as the seed in all the living beings….

That’s the energy, the seed, the soul of everything, everthing is made up of nothing but that wave energy and who knows that’s the GOD’s seed in us.

Janma karma ka me divyam  evam yo vetti tattvatah 
Tyaktva deham punarjanma  naiti mam etis Arjuna 

One who truly understands My transcendental appearance and activities (of creation, maintenance, and dissolution), attains My supreme abode and is not born again after 
leaving this body.

This is quite interesting, what is the reward for the one who finds the GOD, he is the winner, he is not required to come back to this game and play it again. GOD is always there as a treasure, those who find him, they are the winners and they are not required to come back and play.

The essence of all these shloka’s from Gita says that : GOD is omnipresent, supreme creator, all powerful, transcendental (independent and away from material universe) but involves himself in the act of universe and takes form  as and when required. Not only this, Lord Krishna grants a special divine senses to warrior prince Arjun, to see the majesty of GOD that is Krishna himself, thus clearly indicating the need for some other sense (beyond the present five with which we are presently endowed) to see or feel the GOD.

The Christian philosophy is also the same, in Christianity God is the eternal being who created and preserves the universe, he is transcendent but immanent (involves in the universe) and takes the form as and when he incarnates as man.

The Islamic philosophy is no different, he is the creator, he exists without place (transcendental), we cannot see him but he can see all, the GOD guides humanity to the right way.

In Judaism GOD is considered to be the ultimate cause of every existence (supreme creator and destroyer), GOD brought the universe into existence and interacts with man kind.

From Greeks to present day philosophers there has never been any dispute to the fact that the GOD was all powerful and creator of this universe, but beyond this universe, many of the philosophers have admitted the fact that there is some supreme power but we cannot find him. Plato  proposed the theory of transcendental nature of GOD, Aristotle brought the concept of GOD being the immaterial (beyond the material physics), Augstine regarded the GOD as creator of universe, the origin point of time and space, John Scotus Erigena came up with the concept of immortality, quite similar to that of winning the game of treasure hunt, finding the treasure GOD and not coming back to play the game,  Maimonides considered God’s existence provable, John Calvin proposed the idea of GOD staying away after creation and gave full freedom to human beings, Descartes brought the fantastic proposition of GOD being the cause for himself, Aquinas proposed that since universe needs something outside of it to be the cause of it and hence the GOD, and  Emanual Kant the youngest of all says that GOD cannot be ignored but he cannot be proved also. 

So from Greeks to present day philosopher’s following can be concluded,

1. GOD is immaterial and beyond Physics
2. GOD created the universe.                                       
3. GOD believes in the sovereignity of human beings.
4. The Space and time started with GOD.
5. GOD can take any form.
6. Once we find him the reward is immortality.

Certainly GOD is there and he wants us to find him, if we fail then he would create some additional power in us sooner or later and who knows the way to him is already there and few have already succeeded and got the reward of not coming back to this universe.

There is absolutely no conflict as far as presence and existence of GOD is concerned, whether it is science or philosophy, both scientists and philosophers concede that there has to be something all powerful to create this and that’s GOD, so let us find him. Lets keep playing the game of Treasure Hunt, everyday, every moment.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Cheque Bounce - An apparent incorrect interpretation by courts

The Presumption under Section 139 of NI Act : The Law

It shall be presumed, unless the Contrary is proved, that the holder of a cheque received the cheque of the nature referred to in section 138 for the discharge, in whole or in part, or any debt or other liability.

For easy understanding relevant part of S.118 is also reproduced below.

Until the contrary is proved, the following presumptions shall be made:-
(a) of consideration-that every negotiable instrument was made or drawn for consideration, and that every such instrument, when it has been accepted, indorsed, negotiated or transferred, was accepted, indorsed, negotiated or transferred for consideration;
Both these presumptions are rebuttable.

The present interpretation: The Incorrect view
That if the signature is admitted or proved, then there is not much onus on the complainant to prove the liability, he need not prove the existence of facts behind the liability, it is up to the accused to disprove the liability. The cheque is taken as the acknowledgement or the proof of legally enforceable debt in support of complainant. If the accused fails to disprove, a thing which is not even proved by complainant, then he is convicted. This interpretation is illegal, absolutely incorrect, and perverse, we all will be embarrassed but we must set it right.
I need not mention any specific order of Hon Apex Court or Hon High Courts across India, but this is how almost all the courts in India are interpreting this section, except Kerala High Court.

The Correct view : The intent of legislature

1. That the cheque is issued to clear any debt or liability, in whole or in part.
2. This presumption is given to Holder only.

Let me explain

A  cheque can be issued by the drawer A to the payee B for following purpose.
1. For any single debt or liability.
2. For  clubbing multiple liabilities on A (of B)
3. For a single liability even though multiple liabilities are existing.
2. For Gift.
3. To disburse a loan.
4. For security.
5. For some advance payment.
6. For some margin money to stock broker.
7. For some Earnest Money to participate in some commercial activity.
8. For Charity.

This list is not exhaustive, but what it says that a cheque can be issued for many purposes, so the legislature has just frozen the purpose of the cheque that it was received by the Holder to clear any debt or liability, or for consideration. If this presumption is not there, then prosecution can never nail the drawer, simply because the drawer can say that he issued this cheque for Gift or for loan or for charity. 
But the courts of India, think that this presumption of  liability is much more than the purpose, this is beyond the jurisdiction of the courts, because legislation does not say so, it is sinful even to think that this presumption is about truthfulness of existence of facts behind the liability. Once the presumption is not about the existence of facts behind the liability, accused cannot be asked to rebut, unless prosecution first proves the liability attached by them.

If we take the amount aspect then it is illegal even to think that there could be any presumption with respect to amount of liability in criminal case. It is against the natural justice and against the well established principle of innocent till proven guilty, to even ask the accused to prove his innocence, so if we interpret that the presumption is with respect to the amount on the cheque, then a considerably heavy onus is present on the accused to disprove it, thus leading to helpless conviction of accused, why helpless, simply because court is bound to draw the presumption, and since accused failed to disprove it, so court is equally helpless but to convict. No one gets convicted for being not able to disprove something, that thing has to be proved first, the well established principle that the prosecution must prove the guilt of accused beyond doubt goes to toss, if we follow the principle that it is accused who has to prove his innocence.

S.20 of the NI Act suggests that if an inchoate instrument is filled up by the possessor, then the amount must be justified by him. It is the different thing that S.20 is not applicable on cheques, simply because cheque is not a stamped instrument. Justification of the amount means he has to prove the existence of facts behind the liability attached.

S.43 of NI Act talks of possibility of failed consideration, even after the instrument is drawn for any money consideration/liability, onus cannot be only on accused to prove the part or full failure of consideration, simply because complainant may not come forward with the liability evidence in his possession.

S.44 of NI Act talks of partial absence of money consideration even after drawn and 

S.45 of the said act talks of partial failure of non money consideration.

S.209 of IPC talks of offense for claiming more money then due.

S.208 and S.210 of IPC talks of accepting a decree of more money than due.
So there cannot be any question of any kind of positive presumption with respect to amount of money, the amount of money due has to be proved by the prosecution. In fact as recorded by Hon Apex Court in Mandvi Cooperative bank vs Nimesh Thakur case even the  minister has cleary stated that if the person does not come forward to clear his dues, after his cheque gets dishonored, then he is liable for criminal prosecution. The intent of the parliament is not at all there that the cheque is the conclusive proof of existence of truthful liability and complainant is not required to do anything. It has just stated that the cheque is received for some liability.

The Most astounding argument against the prevalent interpretation
The law commission in its 11th Report on Negotiable Instrument Act as back as 26th Sep 1958 proposed to the legislature an amendment in the definition of word “Holder” as follows, after extensive deliberation..

Page #74 of the said report recommends:

“Holder means payee or endorsee of an instrument, who is in possession of the instrument or the bearer thereof but does not include a beneficial owner claiming through a benamidar.”

This was the definition proposed by the law commission, but honorable legislature in its wisdom apparently did not heed to this proposal by law commission and insisted with the prevalent definition which is applicable even now, that is,

S.8. Holder

The “holder” of a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque means any person entitled in his own name to the possession thereof and to receive or recover the amount due thereon from the parties thereto.
There is absolutely no jurisdiction with the honorable courts to presume or proceed with the fact that the complainant or the payee is the holder. The courts have unwittingly usurped the role of legislature in this case. Unfortunately the Hon courts feel that the word Holder used in S.139 is a plain vanilla use meaning just the possessor, or complainant or payee.

On the literal footing, the court does not have the right to interpret the law differently if the meaning is clear, once the legislature says that presumption is available to Holder, not to payee, then there is no right with the courts to give benefit of presumption to payee or complainant, without him first proving that he is the Holder. If Hon court starts equating the payee or complainant with Holder, then there was no need for legislature to define holder in S.8 of the NI Act.  As per derived and acceptable definition, complainant is the person who is examined under S.200 CrPC, payee is the person whose name is mentioned in the cheque, he can be a fraudster a prospective offender as per various IPC sections as discussed below, but holder is person who is entitled to receive the cheque in his name for dues. No law gives any power to Hon courts to presume that complainant or payee is the holder, he has to first demonstrate that he is the Holder.

It is sad that courts all over India are mechanically insisting the accused to disprove the liability without even first asking the complainant to prove his entitlement. Shocking part is complainant may not succeed in civil case but he may succeed in getting conviction. What a travesty and murder of fundamental right of liberty. What a comedy that people are facing the risk of being convicted because they failed to disprove the presumption supported liability. The court must understand that the presumption is about whatever liability type the complainant comes forward with, not about the veracity of the liability as such.

Example 1
A and B collude together and A issues the cheque for X Amount, which gets dishonored, B files the complaint under S.138, and without proving the liability gets the benefit of presumption under S.139, now both A and B enact the drama of compounding under S.147 of NI Act, matter closed, but in principle A has violated IPC S.208 and S.210 and B has violated IPC S.209.
So, if rightly B is asked to prove the entitlement to become the Holder, before presumption can be granted to him, surely he would fail and lawfully both A and B can be prosecuted under IPC S.208, S.209 and S.210 if required.

Example 2
There are numerous illustrations in IPC, take for example S.403 of IPC illustration (Misappropriation)

 A finds a cheque payable to bearer. He can form no conjecture as to the person who has lost the cheque. But the name of the person, who has drawn the cheque, appears. A knows  that this person can direct him to the person in whose favour the cheque was drawn. A appropriates the cheque without attempting to discover the owner. He is guilty of an offence under this section.

What will happen to A under negotiable Instrument Act, he will deposit the cheque on his name, if gets bounced, then will institute a complaint under S.138 of NI Act, and he will only say that out of friendly loan he got this cheque, since he is not required to prove the liability. The poor drawer has to not only disprove the liability (which even Supreme Court acknowledges that is not a simple task), but he also has to undergo a very rigorous trial because presumption is against him as he is the drawer.
The practical problem is that it is not so simple to prove that the drawer lost the cheque, the another danger is that dishonest drawer, after issuing the cheque for legal liability can rush to the police station and file a cheque lost complaint, thus saving himself from prosecution under S.138.

This all can be avoided if A is required to prove the entitlement first, which is the correct interpretation of the law under S.139, once the entitlement is proved by A, then he becomes the holder and whatever liability he attaches with this cheque shall be presumed by the court, now the drawer cannot simply say that he lost the cheque, he has to prove with cogent evidence.  This again emphasizes the fact that presumption is with respect to whatever liability A attaches in his complaint, nothing more or nothing less. 

Example 3
S.101 of the Indian Evidence Act is reproduced below..
101. Burden of proof.-Whoever desires any Court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability dependent on the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts exist.

This section signifies that the liability or legal right is made up of existence of many facts. These facts will have to be proved by the complainant to get the benefit of presumption. The presence of dishonored cheque cannot prove the existence of these facts behind the liability. At present if the execution is proved or admitted the Hon courts grant the presumption to the complainant that liability was present, this is in clear violation of above section.

Example 4
Let us consider that A issues a cheque in favor of Share Broker B as margin money for his future trades, this cheque bounces, B after following the statutory procedure files a complaint against A under S.138.  Under this circumstance it will be unfathomable how A can prove that there is no liability on him, poor fellow is stuck, the law or judiciary cannot be so unrealistic or cannot create such harsh condition for accused. The right interpretation of S.139, that is if B is able to bring on record the evidence or existence of facts, with respect to the liability, then B becomes the Holder and he gets the presumption that yes cheque was indeed issued to clear this liability only. Now A is required to either disprove that in fact the facts as brought on record by A are false or he can also prove by cogent evidence that the cheque was not issued to clear the liability but was issued as a margin money for trades.
Without positive evidence with respect to existence of facts creating liability on drawer, the presumption cannot be given to complainant and drawer cannot be asked to disprove the liability.

Example 5
IPC S.415 C (Illustration)

(h) A intentionally deceives Z into a belief that A has performed A's part of a contract made with Z, which he has not performed, and There by dishonestly induces Z to pay money.  A cheats.

Suppose Z, innocently issues a cheque fully trusting A, but just before the cheque is encashed, he realizes and ensures its dishonor by stop payment, Z is still doomed, because A will say that for so and so contract (or for so and so friendly loan or some other ghost story) Z issued the cheque, and A gets the presumption benefit. Now expecting Z to first prove that there was no liability or consideration failed is again a very harsh condition, But if A is asked to prove the liability first (the facts constituting the liability), then A becomes the holder and he gets the benefit, once A becomes the holder, now Z has to disprove the case of A, Z cannot simply say without legally admissible evidence that cheque was issued for some Gift or for some other liability or there is no liability. This is perfectly valid interpretation of law and violates nothing.

Example 6
463. Forgery.--Whoever makes any false document or part of a Document with intent to cause damage or injury, to the public or to any person, or to support any claim or title, or to cause any person to part with property, or to enter into any express or implied contract, or with intent to commit fraud or that fraud may be committed, commits forgery……..

(c) A picks up a cheque on a banker signed by B, payable to bearer, but without any sum having been inserted in the cheque. A fraudulently fills up the cheque by inserting the sum of ten thousand rupees. A commits forgery.

This is quite in conflict with respect to present interpretation of presumption under S.139.  In case the cheque gets dishonored, A is just required to proceed with a complaint case under S.138 of NI Act, and he can state any cock and bull story about liability, now the poor drawer has to prove that he has bloody no business with A. How can B do? At the best B can be termed as negligent person in securing his property, which is no crime. But if rightly “A” is asked to prove the entitlement first by bringing some evidence, then he becomes the Holder and gets the presumption that in fact this cheque was issued by B to clear this liability only, once A proves the liability which he asserts in his complaint, then B cannot take any defense which cannot be proved by him, he has to either disprove the liability or he has to prove that in fact the said cheque was lost and not issued by him voluntarily, or given to clear some other liability. If A fails the the hon court may prosecute A for forgery.

Example 7

S.72 of The Indian Contract Act
72. Liability of person to whom money is paid or thing delivered by mistake or under coercion.-A person to whom money has been paid, or anything delivered, by mistake or under coercion, must repay or return it.

If the money is paid by cheque, the present interpretation of S.139 may make such person, the king, rendering the above section at least partially useless. Why partially because it is proved beyond doubt that by nature not all human beings are honest creatures. How can the person who issued the payment in the form of cheque prove that he issued the cheque by mistake? This ridiculous situation will not arise if the claimant is asked to come forward with the proof of his story, then he becomes the Holder and gets the benefit of presumption.
Illustration under S.72 of the Indian Contract Act

(a) A and B jointly owe 100 rupees to C. A alone pays the amount to C, and B, not knowing this fact, pays 100 rupees over again to C. C is bound to repay the amount to B.

Now let us presume that transactions between B to C took place by cheque, then before C could deposit the mistaken cheque of B to Bank, the drawer B gives the stop payment instruction. Now C, an ordinary fallible fellow, after following statutory requirement, files a complaint under S.138 of NI Act and lo behold he gets the benefit of presumption, the presumption is further re-enforced as honest B, also admits that he issued the cheque by mistake, but unfortunately he has no means to prove the mistake, as C has come forward with some other cock and bull story of friendly loan. But rightly if C is asked to prove the liability arising out of his claim, then things will be as per law, fair and just.

Example 8

S.59 of The Indian Contract Act
59. Application of payment where debt to be discharged is indicated.-Where a debtor, owing several distinct debts to one person, makes a payment to him, either with express intimation, or under circumstances implying that the payment is to be applied to the discharge of some particular debt, the payment, if accepted, must be applied accordingly.

No other section can explain the need of presumption under S.139, then this. In general in criminal trials, accused is not required to do anything, it is the prosecution which is required to prove the guilt to hilt, that is without any shreds of doubt. Now if there are multiple debts, if presumption is absent, then that nagging doubt will remain, that the cheque was issued for debt A not for debt B as alleged by complainant. Accused will maintain his silence, and it will be very onerous now on complainant to prove that the cheque was indeed issued for debt B only as claimed by him and not for debt A. So the presumption is with respect to distinctness of the debt, whatever Debt A or Debt B or Debt C as alleged, but the presumption is not about existence and truthfulness of that debt. That debt must be proved by complainant then only he becomes the holder and gets the presumption, now accused cannot say that it was issued for some other debt X, Y Z.

A further prodding of S.118 or S.139 confirms that nowhere the amount is part of presumption, the S.118 presumption is that the cheque is drawn for some consideration, the S.139 adds to whom this presumption is given, both these sections do not talk about amount part.

Then what does this S.139/S.118 talk about ? What is this presumption all about?
To understand it better we will further see what will happen in the court in absence of S.118/S.139. In absence of this presumption, the accused can simply say that the cheque was issued as a Gift or present on the birthday, accused is safe on a quite forceful defense. In this case prosecution will have one additional burden of proving that the cheque was issued for some consideration/debt. Because it cannot be ruled out beyond doubt that even while having a bonafide liability a drawer cannot still issue a cheque to such person for Gift on his birthday. So prosecution can never show that the cheque was not issued against Gift but it was issued against liability, thus making the entire statute dud.

So, by introducing S.139 the legislature just frozen one aspect in favor of prosecution, that is whatever type of liability prosecution attaches to the cheque, it shall be presumed that the cheque was drawn to clear that liability,  but then the amount and the facts behind the liability must be proved by the prosecution. So in all such cases purpose of cheque is fixed, complainant will always come with this averment that cheque was issued to clear some existing liability, the presumption just freezes the liability attached to the cheque. The accused is at liberty to prove that the cheque was issued as Gift or for some different liability or the liability attached by prosecution stands fully or partially settled, and then the case fails.

Example 9
Suppose X has taken Scooter Loan, Car Loan and Home Loan from Y. Now X has settled his Scooter Loan and Car Loan but failed to repay the Home Loan and Y used a cheque lying with him and gets the same dishonored and files the complaint.

In this case, Y shall be required

1. To prove the liability dues on account of Home Loan.
2. Once the same is proved, the court shall presume that the cheque was issued to settle this liability against Home Loan.

The accused shall be at liberty to prove any or all of followings:

1. The cheque was issued for Scooter Loan or Car Loan, not for home Loan. If he succeeds, he is free.
2. The accused can prove that the liability amount as proved by complainant is less than what is stated on the cheque and asked. He is free.
3. Even otherwise accused can prove that the cheque was issued six months prior to date of dishonor.

What accused cannot say without evidence is that it was issued for car Loan or scooter loan, but nonetheless it does not give any presumption to the complainant on the truthfulness of the loan amount, this aspects will have to be proved by the prosecution, court will just grant the presumption to the type of liability asserted by the prosecution, that too when the complainant proves himself to be the Holder by proving the entitlement. Court cannot ask the accused, that, complainant has stated that you had issued the cheque to settle this outstanding dues against Home Loan, so disprove it. How absurd and anti fair play? Accused can only be asked to disprove once it is proved by complainant.

Example 10
Another tremendously simple example
X, a dishonest trader, promises to sell, some commodity to Y, but insists for advance payment. Y, a simple and trustworthy man, issues the cheque but does not receive the material but realizes the dishonest intent of X and gives stop payment instruction to his Bank. On dishonor, X, after statutory formalities approaches the court and files the complaint against Y, stating that for the supply of so and so material he has received the cheque, and the court grants him the presumption and now asks the Y to  disprove. How can Y do so? I challenge any or all of the Hon judges and magistrates to come forward and disprove the claim of X, in the light of present understanding of presumption under S.139. It cannot be done. But if rightly X is asked to prove the liability and the amount attached with it, then Y has no escape till he proves the contrary.

Example 11
Another simple example, any state or central government or PSU cheque gets misplaced in connivance with some dishonest employee, this cheque goes in the hands of some unscrupulous person A and gets dishonored on account of signature mismatch (now brought under S.138), then it is ridiculous to ask such institution to disprove the only presumption supported claim of  A. But rightly if A is asked to prove the liability and he proves it, then even government will not have any problem.

The statute merely gives presumption to the specific purpose of the cheque, the presumption just links the cheque with type of liability averred by complainant, nothing more, nothing less. One cannot be convicted without proof of liability in toto. It will be nothing but shear injustice.

The people can say that this kind of proposed interpretation will defeat the very purpose of statue. Such people are vastly mistaken for the simple reason, where is the need and jurisdiction for alternative interpretation when the statute itself says that presumption is available to holder only, not to any one else. After the enactment of S.138 onwards, only assistance is given to the complainant that the cheque is issued for some legally enforceable debt or liability, the accused cannot say when confronted with established liability that he issued the cheque for gift or for some other liability. As stated earlier if the S.139 is not present, then even if complainant proves the liability, then also accused can claim that the cheque was issued for Gift.  Then it becomes very difficult for prosecution to disprove this, simply because of existence of Gift cheque cannot be ruled out even when liability exists. 

Moreover can this right interpretation frustrate the intention of parliament? Parliament has not given any presumption whatsoever to payee or complainant, the presumption is given to Holder, which is much more than possessor. Neither the presumption is given under S.139 for the truthfulness of amount. And in fact no substantial benefit goes to accused if complainant is first asked to prove his entitlement for whatever liability he asserts.  Once the complainant proves the entitlement, the existence of facts behind liability as per S.101 of The Indian Evidence Act, he gets the presumption that yes, the cheque was issued for this liability only.

So the presumption under S.139 is available to the complainant or payee, if he can demonstrate that he is the Holder, for that he has to prove the facts behind the existence of liability first.

Other orders by Hon SC, possibly driven with the intent to tighten the situation against drawers, but we must realize that in order to give respectability to an instrument called cheque, millions of people cannot be made accused, and moreover the prevalent criminal jurisprudence cannot be taken lightly or cannot be given a short shrift in the zeal to curb the menace called cheque bounce.

1. The competence of complainant: MMTC order is questionable.
It violates S.200 of The Indian Contract Act. The Hon apex court when rules in MMTC Ltd. and Anr. v. Medchi Chemical Pharma that the jurist company can send any body subsequently with proper authorization, even if no authorization was present at the time of complaint, straight away violates S.200 of The Indian Contract Act. S.200 does not grant any powers to the Hon courts to regularize the acts of a person done without proper authority of the competent person. The  argument of the court that anybody can move the criminal law in motion is also not of any help, for the simple reason that the legislature can always define the competence of a person who can set the criminal law in motion. Once the mandatory time bar and the competence of complainant is defined in the statute, then the courts have no jurisdiction to come up with any excuse to circumvent the same. The competence must be existent at the time of filing of complaint, period.

2. Date of drawn of PDC
It cannot be the date which a PDC bears. It is the date on which the PDC was made or delivered. The Supreme Court order in Anil Kumar Sawhney vs Gulshan Rai on 11 October, 1993 that a PDC is a Bill of Exchange till the date which it bears and becomes the cheque on that date and the six months period must be calculated from the date on the PDC, I am sure, is decided without considering S.68 of The Indian Stamp Act.

I will not comment about illegality of a PDC by referring to S.68 of The Indian Stamp Act, but this section and S.46 of the NI Act, conclusively defines the date of drawn, so S.138(a) the date of dishonor within 6 months of date of drawn must be seen in this light. Supreme Court has unwittingly taken away this defense from drawer, no court of law has any power or right to take away the defense of any accused person. S.46 alone must be honored in conjunction with S.138(a) in absence of any new consent by drawer, where is the need for Hon courts to register the complaint if the S.138 itself is not applicable. It is quite disturbing that applicability is decided during or at the conclusion of the trial while it should be decided at the threshold itself.

3. General Power of Attorney aspect
Small 3 Section Act, has thousands of orders by Hon SC and various High Courts, still confusion.

All confusion can be settled if courts clarify as follows:

1. Anybody can authorize anybody to be the complainant, the person behind the complaint. This person can give evidence in his personal capacity not on behalf of actual aggrieved person.

2. To give evidence on behalf of some natural person (like individual or proprietorship firm) for certain transactions, then such person must have a valid registered GPA at the time of transaction for doing such transaction. Nobody can be given GPA/SPA at the time of filing of case to give evidence on behalf of some natural person if they had no GPA for the transaction. Managers or employees or relatives cannot give evidence on behalf of some one if having no GPA for the transaction in question. That natural person must give evidence for himself in absence of any GPA to carry out those transactions.

3. For non natural complainants like companies or association of people, anybody can be authorized under a simple registered SPA to become the complainant, along with few witnesses who have witnessed the transactions. There cannot be any question of giving evidence on behalf of a non-jurist complainant; all the witnesses are giving evidence in their personal capacity, or from the record. The evidence must be admissible and proved as per The Indian Evidence Act.
It is absurd even to think that X can give evidence on behalf of Y. A GPA holder is a de facto Y for the transactions GPA holder carried out after he received the GPA for the said transaction. So a GPA holder of a natural person (individual or proprietor) is defecto that person after he has received the GPA. For non jurist persons there is no question of giving evidence on behalf of non jurist person, all those who have witnessed the transaction can be competent witness with or without the record.   

4. Jurisdiction Aspect
This calls for re-look simply because accused are coming from Kanyakumari to Delhi. In the present computer era, a big company who has head office and legal team situated in Mumbai, but carrying out local transactions with the local sales office in some remote corner of India, can harass the drawer with Mumbai jurisdiction. Despite a very good analysed order of Hon Apex Court in M/S. Harman Electronics (P) Ltd. & ... vs M/S. National Panasonic India Ltd on 12 December, 2008 an old order of Hon Apex court in  K. Bhaskaran vs Sankaran Vaidhyan Balan And Anr on 29 September, 1999 is cited. This order of K Bhaskaran is absolutely against equality and natural justice and calls for an immediate re look.

5. Compounding order
The Hon SC has fixed some arbitrary compounding charges for various stages including appeal stage at SC level in Damodar S.Prabhu vs Sayed Babalal H on 3 May, 2010. In Para # 15 of the said order the Hon SC issued certain guidelines, the guidelines as enumerated in 15 (a) and 15 (b) looks proper and fair but certainly not 15(c) and 15(d). Once the accused is convicted, it cannot be compounded. Compounding can only be during any stage before the final order is pronounced by the trial court. A convicted person, who is about to go to jail, can easily, be blackmailed by complainant to do almost anything. It is also not fair to accept the convict’s proposal of compounding at SC level, if complainant objects.

6. Cheque issued at the time of Loan disbursement
a. Must fail instantly if date of receipt of cheque by payee is more than 6 months from the date of dishonor.

It is abundantly evident that such cheques are being used as collateral security due to apparent harshness of S.138. A person who gives loan must be prudent enough to take some proper collateral security in the form of gold or property as mortgage, he cannot use the cheque as the security.

7. Banks or NBFC filing cases even though they have mortgage property under their control
This is illegal, if they have a property of drawer as mortgaged to them, then as per law, they must re claim their dues by the proper recovery mechanism. They cannot arm twist the drawer while holding his asset in their pocket. 

8. Un-registered partnership firm
They cannot file the civil suit, but they can certainly file the case under S.138 of NI Act? After all a cheque bounce is a kind of regulatory offense, quasi civil and moreover why this indulgence is given to unregistered partnership firm? They must register, they must pay revenue to the government, they must be transparent in their constitution, then only they be allowed to file any case arising out of regulatory offense.

9. Blank Cheque
When S.20 of the NI Act is not applicable on cheques, then which law gives prima facie authority to the possessor of the cheque to fill up the blanks? And a blank cheque with no amount is a no cheque at all.

10. And Adalat Prasad
I wonder if the Hon trial court has any power to send the reference to Hon Session court or to Hon high court for quashing of complaint after cognizance is taken and it is found suo moto or otherwise that in fact cognizance was a mistaken.

The order of Hon SC in Adalat Prasad v. Roop Lal Jindal is perfectly fine that the trial court magistrate cannot go back one step and quash the complaint once the cognizance is taken, but the remedy suggested in such case is very harsh and unjust that a person who is mistakenly summoned must rush to  HC under S.482 CrPC, he should be allowed to test the waters at trial court level by filing discharge application, which if the trial court magistrate finds reasonable then he can refer to session court or to HC as per law for quash. A similar order of jurisdictional High Court or the Hon Apex court can be cited for discharge. The point is accused may not have resources or will power to go to HC under S.482, the counsel may misguide the accused about possible back lash if HC dismisses the petition, the magistrate may continue mechanically even if he comes to know on his own that indeed cognizance was defective, so the Hon SC must issue the guidelines that magistrate either suo moto or on application of accused can send the reference to Session Court or HC for quash. This will be perfectly fine because no litigant should suffer for the mistakes of the courts.
Finally it is apparent that even the Hon Law Commission thinks that cheque bounce cases are petty and not so serious, then where is the needs for Hon courts to make it so complex, why courts are taking minimum five years to settle such petty cases, there is a plethora of wisdom available in the orders of Hon Apex Court and various High Courts on almost all the aspects of cheque bounce, why cannot the same be channelized and a comprehensive guideline made, where is the need for magistrate to keep conducting the trial in most mechanical manner.

Idea is to increase the acceptability of cheque, not to send people to jail. Dishonest drawer must fear, but equally important is that dishonest possessor must also fear.